13 September 2024

Mile High Mysteries of the Subsurface

The professionals at HDR, Inc. who participated in the 6.5-hour training, TAKING THE MYSTERY OUT OF THE SUBSURFACE are technical masters of engineering projects. 

The training was in Denver, which is already about a mile above sea level, but their office is on the 35th Floor which seemed like another mile above the ground when I looked downward from the ceiling to floor window.

Their success is inevitable and it's my honor to contribute to it with the training experience.   The HDR team commands respect with their business success driven by technical excellence.  But there is another element about their success that's not hidden, it's their natural gift of personal connection.  The way they interact with each other is inspiring but also draws out their best abilities.  Way to go!

Thank you to the gracious hosts at HDR, Inc and learning from the work locations where the participants travelled from about the US is humbling.   Again, it's my honor to contribute to your inevitable success.

Keep going, don't stop!

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